Volume 9 Page 31
Posted December 15, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: That's the occasionally referenced cape "Jugganaut,"  as glimpsed briefly way back in Empowered vol. 4. She, uh, really should be more largely endowed upstairs than I depicted here; not sure why I neglected her namesake trait in this manner.

Panel 2: "Those Advanced Restraint Research clowns" date back to their first appearance back in Empowered vol. 3, with the image in the background referring to a scene from later on in that story. (BTW, dig the very different, cartoonishly "lollipop-headed" figure proportions I gave Emp in that older scene's intoroductory panel.)

Panel 3: That's the treacherous wench Maura from the opening pages of that vol. 3 ARR! story, you'll note.

IIRC, a number of commenters kinda sneered at Emp's naivete in that scene and advised that she should've VORPPed ol' Maura as a precautionary measure, which seems a bit of a g-d stretch for a superhero (however distress-prone) interacting with civilians. OTOH, now that I think of it, I'm rather intrigued by the concept of problematic cape/civilian interactions along those lines... Hrmmm.

Today’s Patreon update: In an attempt to scratch out more worktime to complete the long-gestating Empowered vol. 12, I've switched over to a Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday Patreon posting schedule that won't feature the fixed content format I previously used. So, who knows what today's post might feature? Could be Life Drawing or Distressed Damsels content (both of which are featured at least three times per month), or something in the Work Stages, Vintage Con Sketches or Design departments, or possibly something entirely new. Golly!

-Adam Warren

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