Volume 8 Page 143
Posted August 6, 2021 at 12:01 am

Flashback time once again, as we're about to see what Spooky once saw that was, it seems, literally scarier than Hell.

Speaking of which, here's another WARNING FOR SENSITIVE READERS: The more squeamish webcomic readers out there might want to skip next Monday's page, which features some pretty g-d horrific imagery, even if implied more than actually depicted. Pop back in on Tuesday, and you should be able to figure out what's happening. (Or happened, part tense.)

Today’s Patreon update: Probably another dose of Vintage Con Sketches, from one of the various bygone eras when I was cranking out a ton of ’em. (Er, unless I've put in effect a long-planned shift to weekly Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday posting, in which case I'll likely have shuffled around the once-fixed daily slots for different types of posts.)

-Adam Warren

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