Volume 8 Page 125
Posted July 13, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Another especially neat shot of Spooky's cape, gotta say.

While I wouldn't quite sound the Overdialoguing Alert on Spooky's exposition throughout panels 1-3, I would quibble that my g-d hand-lettered font is too large, which gives an impression of possible Overdialoguing. While I intensely dislike the really, really teeny font sizes often used in modern (and crappy!) American comics lettering, I can't deny that oversized fonts can be a problem as well.

I'm probably gonna have to switch over to a software-generated version of my hand lettering for future projects, as I'm presently struggling with aaaaallllllll kinds of issues—not just font size but also line and word-balloon spacingwith my analog lettering throughout Empowered vol. 12.

Today’s Patreon update: Open slot in the weekly schedule today! Pretty sure I’ll be posting something for the semi-recurrent Design Tuesdays feature.

-Adam Warren

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