Volume 8 Page 124
Posted July 12, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: I quite like this shot of Spooky, and especially like how 2013 Me handled her cape.

Also, regarding Emp's dialogue, I've noticed something interesting as I'm writing Empowered vol. 12—namely, that I'm writing Modern-Era Emp with much less usage of ellipses ("...", or here, "...?") ending her sentences, as she speaks with a greater degree of firmness and confidence. As with much of the development of her character, this was an organic evolution, and not something I deliberately planned out ahead of time.

Today’s Patreon Update: As this is a Monday, time for our weekly double dose of life drawings from 2017 (when I was cranking out photoreferenced sketch sets on a nearly daily basis) along with the high-res Photoshop raw scans for both of ‘em, available to all Patron tiers.

-Adam Warren

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