Volume 8 Page 120
Posted July 6, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Better sound the Excessively Petite Feet alert, folks, as my old and randomly whimsical artistic flourish of drawing notably truncated feet recurs once more.

Note that, a week or two ago, I failed to sound the Excessively Petite Feet Alert on an previous close-up of Emp and Spooky's feetsies, so a commenter wound up referencing "Chinese foot-binding" in whimsical critique of said shot. Well, don't you worry, commenter from a few weeks ago, as I'm waaaay ahead of you on the "wee feet critique" front; I just neglected to flag every g-d appearance of the riff, tragically enough.

Today’s Patreon update: Open slot in the weekly schedule today! Pretty sure I’ll be posting something for the semi-recurrent Design Tuesdays feature.

-Adam Warren

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