Volume 8 Page 113
Posted June 25, 2021 at 12:01 am

Panel 4: Whoa! With Emp in this panel, behold a serious example of the sporadic "Big Head, Narrow Shoulders" cartoony visual flourish that was more commonly seen in "Meta Emp" material like the volumes' concluding spreads. For good or ill, this bit of Takahashi-esque whimsy is now pretty much entirely gone from my current-day art style; nowadays, I'd have to deliberately plan to draw such a shot, rather than producing the riff at random as was the casde years ago.

Panel 5: Time for the ol' Silhouette Shot, which always provides some welcome variety to an otherwise humdrum conversation scene. (Note that I only rarely use this riff in the midst of action sequences or "damsel-in-distress" scenes, which aren't quite as plagued by lack of visual interest as extended expository or dialogue riffs like this one.)

Next week on the webcomic serialization, Emp & Spooky's Very Significant Convo reaches its resolution. Sounds exciting, huh? (Don't sweat it, folks, as we'll be hitting mayhem-intensive action sequences before too long.)

Today’s Patreon update: Probably another dose of Vintage Con Sketches, from one of the bygone eras when I was cranking out a ton of ’em.

-Adam Warren

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