I should probably clarify that webcomic readers didn't just miss seven pages, as I'm using the numbering from the printed volume for my own commentary-crafting convenience. We just skipped over a whole bunch of recap pages, which I'll probably dump over in the "ABOUT" section at some point. Come to think of it, I should probably also include a bio page for myself in that section, for new(er) readers unaware of my previous print-comics career.
If you can perceive a slightly "woven" pattern to the graphite rendering on the characters, that's because most of Empowered's chapter-page illos were drawn on so-called "linen-finish" cardstock. I used to deploy this distinctively grained paper for penciled con sketches, as I felt it gave my mundane illos a certain "oomph" and ineffable je ne sais quoi that they desperately needed. That habit continued over to these title pages for years to come, until I finally soured on the linen finish's annoyingly low-res graininess and switched back to the same paper used for the story pages.
Present-Day Me isn't a fan of the whimsically wonky cartooniness of Emp's torso in this shot, but can't deny that the stylistic flourish does lend the pose an amusingly sinuous (if not outright serpentine) flair.