Volume 4 Page 185
Posted August 31, 2018 at 12:01 am

Note that the bit about Emp’s supersuit being able to turn (mostly) invisible was a riff that first appeared way back in Empowered vol.1, but was helpfully brought up again by Thugboy earlier in this volume. (UPDATE: link fixed.) I do kinda wish I’d addressed this convenient little power in greater detail, but I was likely a bit worried that this would be too obvious an act of foreshadowing.

Panel 4: A good old-fashioned reverse punch, folks, straight outta the kata of old-school karate! In theory, Emp almost certainly learned this technique from Ninjette, though the powerful but arguably rather slow strike seems a bit out of character for the type of speed-oriented fighting style that Kozue would probably use.

-Adam Warren

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