Volume 4 Page 181
Posted August 27, 2018 at 12:01 am

Trying a new font for the commentaries, this week. Hope y'all like it! (Though, as a native of the Northeast, I should probably use the general-purpose "you guys" instead of "y'all," or perhaps the more inclusive "you folks.")

Panel 1: Behold, a (somewhat) rare multiple-image shot with Ninjette, here. (Well, maybe not  all that rare, given that we just saw a similar shot when she first blazed into action.)

Yeahp, turns out that Maidman’s broom sports all kinds of interesting hidden functions, as we’ll later see in the Empowered one-shot 10 Questions for the Maidman. No idea when the hell I’ll serialize that here, gotta say, as the various Guest Artist “floppy” issues don’t integrate terribly well with the flow of the full volumes.

Panel 2: I like the idea that the Maidman can perceive a coastal difference inherent to ninjutsu badassery. Then again, he is the Goddamned Maidman, after all.

Panel 3: Say, what’s that visible under Ninjette’s torn dress? Whatever could that garment be?

-Adam Warren

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