Volume 4 Page 169
Posted August 9, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 3: Behold, another rare Empowered appearance of thought balloons. Seemed more reasonable than having Emp mutter to herself under her breath, I guess.

Panel 4: Once again, I had part of a sound FX clipped off by a lower border after the page was scanned and formatted. Oops! Then again, the FX presumably reads decently enough even with a nipped-off H, given that I hadn’t noticed this problem even once over the past frickin’ decade. (My apologies, howeva, if you thought this FX actually read as “WHOOOS4.”)

Panel 6: “VWIPP” is another of my odder recurring sound FX, one that I’m happy to report isn’t directly ported from the oeuvre of Frank Miller, unlike many or most of my favorite FX (as in WHOKK, WHDD, and their Miller-derived kin). Now, VWIPP isn’t quite in the same league as VORPP, my all-time favorite among my (very) limited stable of self-created sound FX, but at least it’s an original. (I think.)

-Adam Warren

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