Volume 4 Page 168
Posted August 8, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Looks like Emp is formulating a plan on the fly, which constitutes an early appearance in Empowered of our heroine’s flair for tactical improvisation, a skill set that becomes increasingly pronounced throughout the series. Yay, Emp?

Panel 3: Note that Capitan Rivet is pretty darn casual about getting the lower half of his body ripped away. Tough dude!

Panel 4: Behold, a rare instance—possibly only the second time in all of Empowered—that Ninjette uses Emp’s real name. 

Also, really wish I’d bothered to do a height comparison chart for the series’ cast at some point, as I’m never quite sure if ’Jette is supposed to taller than Emp, or vice versa, or if they're the same height. Then again, Kozue might appear to be taller, here, because she is wearing high heels.

-Adam Warren

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