Volume 4 Page 167
Posted August 7, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: Decade-Ago Me found himself trapped like a rat by the panel layout and dialogue, hence the unfortunate fact that Thugboy’s head just barely overlaps Emp’s word balloon. Having the lower edge of the balloon tangent to his head (sans overlap) wouldn’t have been an improvement, either; the only easy solution that occurs to me would’ve been to cut Emp’s dialogue, so the balloon would’ve remained well clear of Thugboy.

Panel 4: While I’m indulging in layout nitpickery, I should’ve moved that “SHREEE” sound FX over to the right a bit, so I could’ve drawn Thugboy at a more appropriate height in relation to Ninjette—or moved her downward a bit, or both.

-Adam Warren

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