Volume 4 Page 161
Posted July 30, 2018 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: The exact mechanics of precisely how the tainted food would negate the capes’ powers is a bit iffy, but my vague theory would be that they had to build up a certain amount of nullifying finger foods in their digestive systems before their abilities would begin to fail. The fact that all of them evinced power failure more or less simultaneously seems a tad dubious, but let’s chalk that up to dramatic license, okay?

Panel 3: My vague theory would continue that the power-nullifying field of the Wet-Blanket-tainted food was so diluted that the SuperWaiters could handle the items without suffering conspicuous power failure; accumulate enough of the stuff in your belly, though, and trouble would soon ensue (and, in fact, did).

Panel 5: Hrmmm. Whatever might Emp be driving at, here?

-Adam Warren

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