Wellp, that’s it for the story “A.R.R.,” after a grueling 27-odd pages. As one commenter opined a while back, stories that zip right by when read in Empowered’s 200-page trade paperbacks can seem to drag out hellishly in this one-page-per-day serialized form, especially in the degree of humiliation and embarrassment Emp endures during some of the episodes. I should say that Empowered was never intended to be read one page at a time, unlike many or most other webcomics designed to provide a relatively satisfying daily experience. Might I suggest checking out the Comixology or Dark Horse Digital links at upper right of this webpage for a more pleasing reading experience?
Next time, we start up the almost-as-bondage-riffic Empowered vol. 3 story “Mysterious Dumbass,” featuring the return of Emp cosplaying as the Sexy Librarian! Yay?
-Adam Warren