Volume 3 Page 80
Posted July 11, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Yeahp, pretty sure this was a commissioned page of sorts, as I checked back through the issue’s binder—er, No Pun Intended—of original artwork and found no sign of it; presumably I sent it off to the page’s commissioner. The full-figure view of Emp with a prominent view of her “toothsome rump” (per the Caged Demonwolf) was a bit of a giveaway, as you rarely see such shots in Empowered. That is, full-figure shots; views of Emp’s behind are not uncommon at all, of course, thanks in part to her revealing supersuit and tragic lack of a cape, which makes even innocently intended shots with her back turned seem, well, Mix-a-lot-esque. Since the unearthly hypermembrane of Emp's suit effectively renders her a naked woman wearing only a color (or grayscale tones, here), about the only "safe" way to show her from the back is to avoid showing her behind, period... and "safety" isn't really an option, here. Or am I perhaps being a tad disingenuous, here? Who, me, disingenuous? Perish the thought! *scampers off*

Note that big, full-figure “glamour shots” like panel 1's are, in fact, remarkably time-consuming for me to draw, as opposed to much faster shots which cut a figure off and require much less care and perfectionism in depicting 'em.

-Adam Warren

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