Volume 3 Page 75
Posted July 4, 2017 at 12:01 am

UPDATE: As I'm using my original scans for this volume and not the published version, an error appeared in panel 4 when this page first posted: Treacherous Girl was originally named Melissa, not Maura. I had to go back, scan the original page's corrections, and pop 'em in here. (Hence the comments below.) I had to change Treacherous Girl's name for reasons that will become obvious at the end of Empowered vol. 3.

Panel 2: Yeahp, something about Emp in distress causes a seemingly anomalous number of bad guys to throw her over their shoulders—even physically unimposing specimens such as Treacherous Girl, who might have difficulty pulling off such a feat. Later on in the series, we’ll see that an actual, overarching reason appears to exist for Emp’s frequent encounters with such distressing situations. (Or so one character claims, at least.)

Panel 3: Extremely unusual visual riff with the wee “star” arcing from Treacherous Girl’s mouth, here. Not sure I used that goofy little flourish anywhere else in the series.

Panel 4: Yeahp, Treacherous Girl’s name is “Maura.” Doesn’t seem stunningly professional for the gloved fellow behind the camera to use her name in front of Emp, though. Also, enjoy a vintage 2007 videocamera, folks! (With the slightly cryptic label “BUSY” by one of its indicator lights, you’ll notice. I could go online and find out what that “BUSY” means, but I don’t really care.)

-Adam Warren

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