Volume 3 Page 199
Posted December 21, 2017 at 12:01 am

With Christmas looming, thought I’d post one of my favorite Empowered Xmas illos. See, back in the days before the series’ first publication, I used to send jpegs of pages to a Top-Secret (BCC) Empowered E-mailing List of various friends and comic folk. From 2006-2010, each year I’d send out a “Happy Holidays” sketch of some sort to that list in lieu of an actual card. (Note that my actual favorite Xmas illo from this bunch features a character who doesn’t appear until the end of Empowered vol. 4; otherwise, I'd be showing it here.)

I like this 2006(!) piece because it features especially strong drawings of Ninjette and Thugboy. (Emp’s image isn’t bad, but just isn’t quite as strong as those of the other two lead characters.)

-Adam Warren

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