Panel 1: A needling artist friend complained that Ninjette’s jeans—in theory, culottes of a much lighter fabric, but let’s ignore that—sure looked tight. I had to needle back, “Yeahp, almost as tight as the painted-on jeans that you like to draw on your snake-hipped, 10-head-tall prettyboys in love.” That, of course, is different. (Sociopolitically speaking, I suppose it is. Well, sorta.)
Panel 2: And there’s the periodic stylistic flourish of Cartoonishly Bigheaded Ninjette again, though this time deployed not just for cuteness (or whatever) but to theoretically emphasize the child-like degree of helplessness that ’Jette is feigning.
Panel 3: Yeahp, Ninjette’s foot is arguably too short in this shot. *mounts personal hobbyhorse* To any foot-focused potential commenters out there, feel free to berate me for a stylistic flourish you don’t appreciate, but do not try to hand me the BS rationalization that you’re objecting out of your deep, abiding concern about the importance of anatomical—ahem—“realism” in highly stylized comics art. *dismounts from personal hobbyhorse*
Note: The previous paragraph originally went on for another six sentences of fire-breathing, fulminating rants about the role of supposed “realism” in fantasy media, and the opportunistic, hypocritical use of that term as both weapon and shield in geek critiques of disliked work, but this seemed a tad intemperate, so I cut that text. Someday, though, I really should unleash my long-brewing diatribe about so-called “realism”—though, I should note, I’m just as prone to abusing the term when it’s convenient for me, which makes yours truly the most hypocritical geek of all.
-Adam Warren