Volume 3 Page 133
Posted September 22, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panel 1: Does this scene perhaps seen a tad familiar? Or is it just your imagination?

Panel 2: Yeahp, the cat’s eyes painted on this superchica’s bewbs—in combination with the shape of her costume’s top—really does bring an owl to mind rather than a feline. Not sure if I noticed this right off, or left the visual joke in afterward because it amused me. Hell, maybe this was deliberate, for all I know. Alas, I can’t remember a g-d thing about Ocelotina’s creation and costume design, so your guess is as good—or possibly better!—than mine.

Panel 4: This character’s supranym proved a tad problematic, as some folks assumed that the name “Ocelotina” included the term “Latina,” which wasn’t really my original intention. In theory, she was just supposed to be a ocelot-based catgirl named Tina, but the “Latina” interpretation does seem a bit more interesting. (The more up-to-date “Ocelotinx” might just be confusing, though.)

-Adam Warren

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