Volume 3 Page 131
Posted September 20, 2017 at 12:01 am

Panel 2: One might question Emp’s willingness to engage in a sexual position that—in her obviously flawed opinion—shows her from an unflattering angle, but earlier Empowered stories have established that Emp is, shall we say, apparently an enthusiastic and open-minded sexual partner despite her many insecurities. (Ahem.)

And thus ends the story “Witless Minions 4-Eva,” our brief sojourn into Thugboy’s sketchy-ass past. Next time, we move on to the story “With Great Hotness…”, in which Emp confronts a new form of obnoxiousness—catgirl-themed obnoxiousness, by the way!—from an already obnoxious character we’ve run into before. 

-Adam Warren


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