Volume 11 Page 53
Posted October 10, 2023 at 12:01 am

Panels 1-2: Overlapping word balloons between panels like this has become a favorite modern-era storytelling trick of mine, gotta say. This riff obviates the need to clear out all the space for the balloon within a single panel while further aiding narrative flow by bridging consecutive panels. This is a fairly common lettering trick in manga, though much less so in American comics; I just completed a writing-only script accompanied by a set of absurdly detailed page roughs using this riff extensively and, lemme tell ya folks, I am really sweating how well the letterer is gonna handle this approach, which is well outside the comfort zone of what they'll be used to doing.

Panel 6: What SKRANGG in yonder panel breaks? Find out tomorrow, dear readers!

Today’s Patreon update: Originally done as a means of scratching out more worktime to complete the long-gestating Empowered vol. 12, I've switched over to a Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday Patreon posting schedule that won't feature the fixed content format I previously used. However, my vast archive of years of Patreon posts—extensive Empowered previews, work-in-progress updates on developmental projects such as fantasy comics The Chaste and the Chained and The Last Party, vintage con sketches, work stages on covers, "damsel in distress" commissions, life drawings & much, much more—remains available for Patrons' perusal.

-Adam Warren

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