Volume 10 Page 15
Posted October 25, 2022 at 12:01 am

Panel 4: 2015 Me missed out on a primo opportunity to add extra annoyance value to Havoc's dialogue by tacking on "Just sayin'" as a separate sentence after the primary statement re: "FULL TIMERS," not before it. (Just sayin'.) (Just kidding, as I really dislike jerkweeds who follow up any or every g-d declaration with a mealy-mouthed, weaselly "just sayin'"and given that I listen to sports talk radio all day, I hear that all the g-d time.)

Panel 7 (last panel on the page): Without waxing too SPOILERiffic, lemme just say that you might want to keep this key line of Capitan Rivet dialogue in mind for future reference. (Possibly far future reference, given the plodding pace of webcomic serialization.)

Today’s Patreon update: Originally done as a means of scratching out more worktime to complete the long-gestating Empowered vol. 12, I've switched over to a Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday Patreon posting schedule that won't feature the fixed content format I previously used. However, my vast archive of years of Patreon posts—extensive Empowered previews, vintage con sketches, work stages on covers, "damsel in distress" commissions, life drawings & much, much more—remains available for Patrons' perusal.

-Adam Warren

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