Volume 10 Page 116
Posted March 15, 2023 at 12:01 am

Bizarrely enough, folks, this page appears to be cursed at the Photoshop level! After relaying the usual screengrab from the digital comic version over to my PC, I could not seem to save the g-d thing as a jpeg, no matter how many times I tried. In fact, what you're seeing above is my old "work in progress" jpeg for the page from back in 2017, oddly enough. Then again, the content depicted is fairly horrific, so perhaps this horror somehow leapt from fiction to reality and glitched out the screengrab file.

Panel 1: Note that the word "bitches" is censored because, as you will see, this page's content is being aired on a HeroNet program; I believe that censoring effect miiiight have later (or perhaps earlier?) leapt over to occasional censoring of the word within the comic itself. (Maybe.)

Today’s Patreon update: Originally done as a means of scratching out more worktime to complete the long-gestating Empowered vol. 12, I've switched over to a Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday Patreon posting schedule that won't feature the fixed content format I previously used. So, who knows what today's post might feature? Could be Life Drawing or Distressed Damsels content (both of which are featured at least three times per month), or something in the Work Stages, Vintage Con Sketches or Design departments, or possibly something entirely new. Golly!

-Adam Warren

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